Thursday, December 13, 2012


today in human geo we went over the stuff for the exam it is going to have just about everything from august on. Mr. schick taught us also how to hold the door the right way. you have to go out and around the door because if you standin from of the door people wont be able fit if there carrying a bunch of things. and kishan tryd to teach and mr schick proved to him that he cant do that

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Words from class

Capitalism- an economic system in which invesment in and ownership of the means of production distribution and exchange of welth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations especiall as contrasted to cooperativley or state.

Communism- a theory or system of social organizational based on the holding of all property in common actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state(classless)

Free enterprise- an economic and political doctrine holding that a capitalist econmy can regulate itself in a freely competitive market through the regationship of supply and demand with a minimum og govermental intervention and regulation

Free market-  an economic system in which prices and wages are determined by unreztriced competition between businesses without goverment regulation or fear of monopolies.


Today in human geo we continued to watch part 3 of the movie that mr schick is showing us it is now transfering into how china would like to become the number 1 in buying and consuming cars because they want to get there economy ahead of ours and they where saying how in 2009 how there china cars would be in the "murican" market. ya we all see how sell tha worked. the problem is that we have road rules and saftey regulations that we have to follow to bulid cars they dont. so there road is completely crazy and our is cool and calm

Thursday, November 29, 2012


today in human geo we watched more of the video that mr schick is in the process of showing us he is also been pausing it and trying to make very good points to us. like today the fact of income tax came up and him and sean came up with the idea of eleimnating it. then he also was describing money and how its very possible that in the next 20 years it may not exsit. then we continued to watch some more of the movie and they brought up wall mart. and they were intervewing this women and she had lost her job because it had moved to china and she that was dumb but almost 97% of the things that are sold in wallmart are made in China. so for her to hate there decison is kind dumb on her part

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


today in human geo we watched a video called the peoples republic it is a movie that is decriing to us what is going on with china and why they have so many poor people this is a problem because for the number one leader in everything its hard to belive that you have more poor people in your contry then america has of people in all. i mean thats pretty crazy so to save te goverment money so they can take care of there people they have now come up with you can only have one child.

Friday, November 16, 2012

United kingdom- gained independence on April 12 1927. never has belonged to another countries but has taken rule of other countries

France- has no official day of Independence but the year is 1789

Afghanistan- it is the hardest place to live in the world. gained Independence in 1919 august 19th

iran- april 1st 1979

Saudi Arabia september 21st

Thursday, November 8, 2012

world leader facts

Enrique Peña Nieto- He was accused of being a neglectful father on January 2012. He has also been married 2 and cheated on his wife. 

Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al-  was crowned the worst dictator in the world in 2009 he was also accursed of murder and torturer he took over the spot of his half brother who died he has had 13 wives and has had 35 kids 

Angela Merkel- worlds forth most powerfull person in the world. 

Muhammad karzi- his brother was in the middle of the drug trade many people  have tried to assinate him he took over the spot of the talaban 

Francios- he was a special adviser for the the presdient of France before he took office. 

dilma rusof- first woman to hold president and she is the chief of brazil she was captured and jauled and torture

whojinto- established his whole country into the best economy in the world. started china's biggest trade. dismissed alot of political leaders 

ben netenyahoo- was the only leader born in israle to become there leader has called for the relase of Jonathan polark for the passing of american secrets. 

 French term- coup detat- take over the government of the state  

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


today in human geo class we went over some of the rulers that we have been learning about four a while now. we also got our quizes back and we i guses where the smart class because our avg. was 84 and every one elses was in the 70's. SO GO SECTION 3! other sections STEP YOUR GAME UP! but there where a lot of cool facts that i learned today. and i personaly am very happy that Obama got re-elected. and not romney X__X. ! but we also learned about crazy facts bout some world leaders and issac thought us how to pronounce there names!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Today 11212

today in human geo class we started class by checking the post that we did last week on Friday. and the Mr. Schick suprised when he said "if i where to give you a pop quiz right now would you pass" well we didnt think we would so he gave some time to study over the list and we quized each other and tried to get the list memerized the best we could then he quized some of us on the spot and some of us new the list and most of us diddnt


Mexico-  President- Felipe Calderon.
               Constitution- Federal Republic.

China- President- pinyin:Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó Zhǔxí,
            Constitution- Socialist market economy.

India-   President- Pranab Mukehrejee
           Constitution- Federal Republic.

Afghanistan- President-  Hamid Karazi
                    Constitution- Islamic Republic.

Iran-  President- Ali Khamenei
          Constitution-  islamic republic

Israel- President-  Shimon Peres, ben metinyahoo
           Constitution-  Democracy

Germany - President- Joachim Gauck, chanceler- angela merkel
                 Constitution- Federal republic

United Kingdom-  President- Queen Elizabeth
                                                  david cmaren

France- Francoa hollant

Brazil- Dilma

sadi arabia- king abdullah

Thursday, October 25, 2012


Today in human geo we had a mini sotra kinda not really review and we went over some of the stuff that we have on the test for tommrow. and then for the rest of the class we did homework or we caught up on stuff or we just chilled

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Test stuff

today in human geo class we went over the questions we put on our blog the other night some of them Mr. Schick liked alot and put right on the test and some of the others he didnt he told us he didnt like them so he told them he didnt like them. Kishan and cole were on fire and made up for the rest of us that didnt do much.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

test ??????

1. Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue in _______ ? (1492)

2.  How many native Americans where there before the Europeans got here? (3,000,000)

3.  Why did the Vikings not stay in america. (because the thought it was boring)

4. What book do the catholic people believe in. (new testament)

5. What book do the jews belive in and what are the names for it( torah or the new testament )

Thursday, October 11, 2012

soda chart

                           today in human geo class we went over a power point thath Mr. Schick had set up for us. there where some things that were very intertesting. the First slide that had the picture of map and of what people called soda acrosse the usa was really cool. see me being from maryland i have always called it soda. but unlike Mr. Schick who is from Chicago he has always called it "pop". I didnt really think there was any other way to say it i have just always called it soda but there are some places that call it coke or pop or fizzy or bubbly or pop.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


today in human Geo we presented our power points that some of us worked on for the past 2 days. there was a lot of interesting things that we learned like what i though was interesting was that there where 20 to 30 million people in america before Columbus got here. i had always thought there was like 20 or 30 thousand. i also thought it was weird that the vikings were here first and they dint do anything to try and clame they just really wanted to attack the people

Monday, October 8, 2012

sfvkdfhbiop jviogjn bdgb

today in human geo class we got our test back witch i got a 86 on! we went over the test and for the most part i did really good i got mostly spelling errors wrong so that was better then getting the whole question wrong. we also were split up into groups and we started to create a power point show on a topic that we choose my group was Christopher Columbus

Friday, October 5, 2012

Today in human geo we took our test on god grew tired of us
Today in human geo we went over all the things that we found on the internet yesterday. there where some very good and interesting ideas that people had came up with,   I think the one i would have to pick for the most reliable one would have to be the toms because 1 i said it class that we dont have proff but they had video prof on there website and they also had section on there web site where you could go to help and what they do is when you buy there shoes they give some to the kids in Africa that really need them.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

help the lost boys

Today in human geo class we went on the internet and started researching about these organizations that help the people from countries like Uganda and Sudan with there problems from when there original homes where invaded and they where forced to flee to other parts of Africa  now they are being relocated to certain cities of the united states.  One of the ones that we found was The lost boys film witch is basically like a charity that you can donate money to witch helps give money to the people that need it WAY more the we do. :)

Monday, October 1, 2012

today in human geo we finished the movie. At the end of the movie Panther goes to the air port and meets his mother who he ha sent seen in 17 years.  Daniel is flying back to Africa to bring his girlfriend to america so they can be married here in america and live there lives here. and John has started his own foundation and is going back to africa soon to help them get out of there refugee camps and to help them to build a school for the Sudanese kids. I think somthing we could do to help them is like right to them and see if they have any lost boys that are high school age and they could be brought here to bel-air where they could act has students of the john carrol school that way thety can get the education they need


today in class we watched a video on youtube called did you know 3.0 it is about a bunch of crazy facts about our growing world. out of all the facts that i saw in that video some of the ones that i saw most surprising where that if 1. Facebook where a country it would be the 3rd largest country in the world what that is really saying is that you could take all the people in the us and put them on face book and it still be smaller then china or India. Also something else is that india has more honor students then the u.s.a dose kids that's crazy and shows you that where not the big powerful country we think we are

More Movie

Today we watched more of god grew tired of us and they have been the in the us for about 2 months now and they are kinda starting to get a hang of it. Daniel and John are both working. They have jobs at factories and Mc Donalads. they were saying to the lady in the pool that they thought they had less freedom here because people weren't nice here they though people would help you like in Sudan where if you looked lost people would walk over and ask where you needed to go and show you how to get there. in America people just kind of looked at  them funny


We have watched a movie in human geo class the past few classes and it is about these 3 kids in sudan that are all around 13 years old. When they are 13 they have to leave there village and they are separated from there families because they where invaded by the muslium part of Sudan  they then walked for almost a whole year until they ended up in a refugee camp called kakurmar. there where 20,00 boys at the start of the journey and they lost about half and there where 10,000 in the camp. Then one day some men from the UN came into there camp and told them that some of there where going to be relocated to the united states. there names where panther Daniel and john panther was put in Syracuse new York and the other two were relocated to Pittsburgh. they where given 3 moths to be able to find a job and be able to support them self's.

Monday, September 24, 2012

today in class we took a test


I ama freshman at john carroll so i have 3 years left and i am going to get through them the best way i cam the first thing i am going to do is try to do all my homework and class work on time. another is to get the best grades i can and not bomb any test wicth leads to studying. i am going to study as much as i can when i get the chances to and i am going to take advantage of the recoures that the teachers give us so i am able to get throug all 4 years at JC!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Today in class we started out first group project about a country that we were assigned by Mr. Schick

Monday, September 17, 2012


today in class we went through the power point and we were mainly talking about poupluation and how it has grown so much and how there are way to manny people on the this plant and there not even i n the settled contries there in the contries that are still trying to evolve into somthing bigger then poverty. we also talked about the people who back in 60s and 70s where having big famileys where kids where like 1 of 5 and now adyads where all like 1 of 2 and if your lucky maby 3 or 4 but there just arnt that many big familes any more

Sunday, September 16, 2012


i wasent in class thrusday or friday because i had 4 teeth pulled and my face was numb all weekend and i talked funny

Monday, September 10, 2012

  1. What is the population of the United States?-313,847,465

  1. What are the five largest countries in the world, by population?- china india america indonisa and brazil

  1. What is the population of Pakistan?-190,291,129

  1. What kind of government does the United States have?-Democratic

  1. What is the unemployment rate in Zimbabwe?95%

  1. What is the largest country in the world by area? China

  1. What country has the third greatest number of airports? Mexico

  1. What country has the greatest number of exports?-  china
  2. What country exports more oil than any other?- afgan
  3. What country imports more oil than any other?-Usa
  4. What country consumes more oil than any other?Usa
  5. Can women serve in combat roles in China’s military? No
  6. What is GDP?
  7. What country has the highest GDP per capita in the world, and how much is it?-liechtenstein
    Is the US in the top ten for GDP per capita? NO
  1. Most of the countries with the highest birth rates can be found in what continent? Asia
  2. 11 of the top 12 countries with the highest number of deaths from HIV/AIDS can be found in which continent? Africa
  3. What other country is in the top ten? India
  4. Where does the US rank in HIV/AIDS deaths? 18
  5. Is the US #1 in number of cellular phones? No
  6. What percentage of the US is Roman Catholic?23.9
  7. What percentage of Mexico is Roman Catholic?
  8. What is Net Migration Rate?
  9. Does the US have the highest Net Migration Rate in the world? no
  10. What is the current population of the entire planet?7,021,836,029

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


today in human geo we talked about what websites a re good to use when doing reasearch and what ones are bad to use because they are not the right facks we are looking for. for example would not be a good website to use because they are not very reliable and it dose not take you a big main page site. But now google and bing when you search somthing on there you would get the top 10 sites right there in front of you. so if i searched the history of the john carrol school it would proboly come up with wikipida and the john carroll school website. But on it might come up with the john carroll school in teaxes :P

Saturday, September 1, 2012

essay 2

If Elbert Hubbard and Socrates where to time travel to 2012 and they saw all i knew technology and where able to see how the candidates run the president election i think they would enjoy the technology but i think they would be disappointed D:! But that's because we are not running the elections the right  way and there i was to much time spent on dissing the other opponent-_-.  Hubbard would be disappointed because people still don't what we are suppose to and where still lazy :(!!!!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Esay 1

My original definition of arete was "Of great value" but if found out that i was a little wrong and the real definition is "the aggregate of qualities, as valor and virtue, making up good character. " So i was a little off. But Socrates and the Greek's where able to use this because Socrates was a man who was way smarter then all these other people that looked up to him so in a way he was able to get to the top of the totum pole and so he made up good character

Thursday, August 30, 2012

acient grece

Today in Mr.Schicks human geo class we went over the deffition we awnsered for home work last night and we talked about acient grece. We talked about a man named Socrates he had the Socratic method witch was a way of getting people to express about how they feal about things. and he did this by asking them qustions and then basicly making them fight about there opions and what they belive.  We also talked about how he died and how they made him drink the hemlock wich caused him to stop breathing and fall to his death bed X__X

Monday, August 27, 2012

first day at jc

My first at at John Carroll was a good one. the First thing i did was i went to the auditorium where they had a people talk. Then the split us up in to 4 groups. I was in group 4. They had a sophomore student take us to the library and then to the brown room then he took us to lunch and where they gave us pizza. After lunch we started to follow a short c day schedule and we got to go to all of our classes and meet out teachers. My teachers that i like from the first day where Coach Perry and Mr. Shick i liked Coach Perry because i had already knew him from football practices and Mr.Shick i had a really good time in his class. after the day was done