Thursday, November 8, 2012

world leader facts

Enrique Peña Nieto- He was accused of being a neglectful father on January 2012. He has also been married 2 and cheated on his wife. 

Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al-  was crowned the worst dictator in the world in 2009 he was also accursed of murder and torturer he took over the spot of his half brother who died he has had 13 wives and has had 35 kids 

Angela Merkel- worlds forth most powerfull person in the world. 

Muhammad karzi- his brother was in the middle of the drug trade many people  have tried to assinate him he took over the spot of the talaban 

Francios- he was a special adviser for the the presdient of France before he took office. 

dilma rusof- first woman to hold president and she is the chief of brazil she was captured and jauled and torture

whojinto- established his whole country into the best economy in the world. started china's biggest trade. dismissed alot of political leaders 

ben netenyahoo- was the only leader born in israle to become there leader has called for the relase of Jonathan polark for the passing of american secrets. 

 French term- coup detat- take over the government of the state  

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