Monday, October 1, 2012


We have watched a movie in human geo class the past few classes and it is about these 3 kids in sudan that are all around 13 years old. When they are 13 they have to leave there village and they are separated from there families because they where invaded by the muslium part of Sudan  they then walked for almost a whole year until they ended up in a refugee camp called kakurmar. there where 20,00 boys at the start of the journey and they lost about half and there where 10,000 in the camp. Then one day some men from the UN came into there camp and told them that some of there where going to be relocated to the united states. there names where panther Daniel and john panther was put in Syracuse new York and the other two were relocated to Pittsburgh. they where given 3 moths to be able to find a job and be able to support them self's.

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