Thursday, November 29, 2012


today in human geo we watched more of the video that mr schick is in the process of showing us he is also been pausing it and trying to make very good points to us. like today the fact of income tax came up and him and sean came up with the idea of eleimnating it. then he also was describing money and how its very possible that in the next 20 years it may not exsit. then we continued to watch some more of the movie and they brought up wall mart. and they were intervewing this women and she had lost her job because it had moved to china and she that was dumb but almost 97% of the things that are sold in wallmart are made in China. so for her to hate there decison is kind dumb on her part

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


today in human geo we watched a video called the peoples republic it is a movie that is decriing to us what is going on with china and why they have so many poor people this is a problem because for the number one leader in everything its hard to belive that you have more poor people in your contry then america has of people in all. i mean thats pretty crazy so to save te goverment money so they can take care of there people they have now come up with you can only have one child.

Friday, November 16, 2012

United kingdom- gained independence on April 12 1927. never has belonged to another countries but has taken rule of other countries

France- has no official day of Independence but the year is 1789

Afghanistan- it is the hardest place to live in the world. gained Independence in 1919 august 19th

iran- april 1st 1979

Saudi Arabia september 21st

Thursday, November 8, 2012

world leader facts

Enrique Peña Nieto- He was accused of being a neglectful father on January 2012. He has also been married 2 and cheated on his wife. 

Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al-  was crowned the worst dictator in the world in 2009 he was also accursed of murder and torturer he took over the spot of his half brother who died he has had 13 wives and has had 35 kids 

Angela Merkel- worlds forth most powerfull person in the world. 

Muhammad karzi- his brother was in the middle of the drug trade many people  have tried to assinate him he took over the spot of the talaban 

Francios- he was a special adviser for the the presdient of France before he took office. 

dilma rusof- first woman to hold president and she is the chief of brazil she was captured and jauled and torture

whojinto- established his whole country into the best economy in the world. started china's biggest trade. dismissed alot of political leaders 

ben netenyahoo- was the only leader born in israle to become there leader has called for the relase of Jonathan polark for the passing of american secrets. 

 French term- coup detat- take over the government of the state  

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


today in human geo class we went over some of the rulers that we have been learning about four a while now. we also got our quizes back and we i guses where the smart class because our avg. was 84 and every one elses was in the 70's. SO GO SECTION 3! other sections STEP YOUR GAME UP! but there where a lot of cool facts that i learned today. and i personaly am very happy that Obama got re-elected. and not romney X__X. ! but we also learned about crazy facts bout some world leaders and issac thought us how to pronounce there names!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Today 11212

today in human geo class we started class by checking the post that we did last week on Friday. and the Mr. Schick suprised when he said "if i where to give you a pop quiz right now would you pass" well we didnt think we would so he gave some time to study over the list and we quized each other and tried to get the list memerized the best we could then he quized some of us on the spot and some of us new the list and most of us diddnt


Mexico-  President- Felipe Calderon.
               Constitution- Federal Republic.

China- President- pinyin:Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó Zhǔxí,
            Constitution- Socialist market economy.

India-   President- Pranab Mukehrejee
           Constitution- Federal Republic.

Afghanistan- President-  Hamid Karazi
                    Constitution- Islamic Republic.

Iran-  President- Ali Khamenei
          Constitution-  islamic republic

Israel- President-  Shimon Peres, ben metinyahoo
           Constitution-  Democracy

Germany - President- Joachim Gauck, chanceler- angela merkel
                 Constitution- Federal republic

United Kingdom-  President- Queen Elizabeth
                                                  david cmaren

France- Francoa hollant

Brazil- Dilma

sadi arabia- king abdullah