Thursday, October 25, 2012


Today in human geo we had a mini sotra kinda not really review and we went over some of the stuff that we have on the test for tommrow. and then for the rest of the class we did homework or we caught up on stuff or we just chilled

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Test stuff

today in human geo class we went over the questions we put on our blog the other night some of them Mr. Schick liked alot and put right on the test and some of the others he didnt he told us he didnt like them so he told them he didnt like them. Kishan and cole were on fire and made up for the rest of us that didnt do much.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

test ??????

1. Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue in _______ ? (1492)

2.  How many native Americans where there before the Europeans got here? (3,000,000)

3.  Why did the Vikings not stay in america. (because the thought it was boring)

4. What book do the catholic people believe in. (new testament)

5. What book do the jews belive in and what are the names for it( torah or the new testament )

Thursday, October 11, 2012

soda chart

                           today in human geo class we went over a power point thath Mr. Schick had set up for us. there where some things that were very intertesting. the First slide that had the picture of map and of what people called soda acrosse the usa was really cool. see me being from maryland i have always called it soda. but unlike Mr. Schick who is from Chicago he has always called it "pop". I didnt really think there was any other way to say it i have just always called it soda but there are some places that call it coke or pop or fizzy or bubbly or pop.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


today in human Geo we presented our power points that some of us worked on for the past 2 days. there was a lot of interesting things that we learned like what i though was interesting was that there where 20 to 30 million people in america before Columbus got here. i had always thought there was like 20 or 30 thousand. i also thought it was weird that the vikings were here first and they dint do anything to try and clame they just really wanted to attack the people

Monday, October 8, 2012

sfvkdfhbiop jviogjn bdgb

today in human geo class we got our test back witch i got a 86 on! we went over the test and for the most part i did really good i got mostly spelling errors wrong so that was better then getting the whole question wrong. we also were split up into groups and we started to create a power point show on a topic that we choose my group was Christopher Columbus

Friday, October 5, 2012

Today in human geo we took our test on god grew tired of us
Today in human geo we went over all the things that we found on the internet yesterday. there where some very good and interesting ideas that people had came up with,   I think the one i would have to pick for the most reliable one would have to be the toms because 1 i said it class that we dont have proff but they had video prof on there website and they also had section on there web site where you could go to help and what they do is when you buy there shoes they give some to the kids in Africa that really need them.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

help the lost boys

Today in human geo class we went on the internet and started researching about these organizations that help the people from countries like Uganda and Sudan with there problems from when there original homes where invaded and they where forced to flee to other parts of Africa  now they are being relocated to certain cities of the united states.  One of the ones that we found was The lost boys film witch is basically like a charity that you can donate money to witch helps give money to the people that need it WAY more the we do. :)

Monday, October 1, 2012

today in human geo we finished the movie. At the end of the movie Panther goes to the air port and meets his mother who he ha sent seen in 17 years.  Daniel is flying back to Africa to bring his girlfriend to america so they can be married here in america and live there lives here. and John has started his own foundation and is going back to africa soon to help them get out of there refugee camps and to help them to build a school for the Sudanese kids. I think somthing we could do to help them is like right to them and see if they have any lost boys that are high school age and they could be brought here to bel-air where they could act has students of the john carrol school that way thety can get the education they need


today in class we watched a video on youtube called did you know 3.0 it is about a bunch of crazy facts about our growing world. out of all the facts that i saw in that video some of the ones that i saw most surprising where that if 1. Facebook where a country it would be the 3rd largest country in the world what that is really saying is that you could take all the people in the us and put them on face book and it still be smaller then china or India. Also something else is that india has more honor students then the u.s.a dose kids that's crazy and shows you that where not the big powerful country we think we are

More Movie

Today we watched more of god grew tired of us and they have been the in the us for about 2 months now and they are kinda starting to get a hang of it. Daniel and John are both working. They have jobs at factories and Mc Donalads. they were saying to the lady in the pool that they thought they had less freedom here because people weren't nice here they though people would help you like in Sudan where if you looked lost people would walk over and ask where you needed to go and show you how to get there. in America people just kind of looked at  them funny


We have watched a movie in human geo class the past few classes and it is about these 3 kids in sudan that are all around 13 years old. When they are 13 they have to leave there village and they are separated from there families because they where invaded by the muslium part of Sudan  they then walked for almost a whole year until they ended up in a refugee camp called kakurmar. there where 20,00 boys at the start of the journey and they lost about half and there where 10,000 in the camp. Then one day some men from the UN came into there camp and told them that some of there where going to be relocated to the united states. there names where panther Daniel and john panther was put in Syracuse new York and the other two were relocated to Pittsburgh. they where given 3 moths to be able to find a job and be able to support them self's.