Thursday, December 13, 2012


today in human geo we went over the stuff for the exam it is going to have just about everything from august on. Mr. schick taught us also how to hold the door the right way. you have to go out and around the door because if you standin from of the door people wont be able fit if there carrying a bunch of things. and kishan tryd to teach and mr schick proved to him that he cant do that

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Words from class

Capitalism- an economic system in which invesment in and ownership of the means of production distribution and exchange of welth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations especiall as contrasted to cooperativley or state.

Communism- a theory or system of social organizational based on the holding of all property in common actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state(classless)

Free enterprise- an economic and political doctrine holding that a capitalist econmy can regulate itself in a freely competitive market through the regationship of supply and demand with a minimum og govermental intervention and regulation

Free market-  an economic system in which prices and wages are determined by unreztriced competition between businesses without goverment regulation or fear of monopolies.


Today in human geo we continued to watch part 3 of the movie that mr schick is showing us it is now transfering into how china would like to become the number 1 in buying and consuming cars because they want to get there economy ahead of ours and they where saying how in 2009 how there china cars would be in the "murican" market. ya we all see how sell tha worked. the problem is that we have road rules and saftey regulations that we have to follow to bulid cars they dont. so there road is completely crazy and our is cool and calm